Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Midweek Market Monetarist Links and Summaries - 3/25/15

David Beckworth highlights a recent National Review article by Ranesh Ponnuru on the "test" of Market Monetarism

(Lars Christensen) "...start out discussing what we want our monetary machine to produce. Furthermore, we also want to discuss what the monetary machine cannot produce."
In a deflationary environment, central bank competition to ease monetary policy is a good thing:
Lars provides links for an inspiring lecture series:

There's a difference (Scott Sumner) Don't mix up tactics and strategy (The straight story)
They even needed a consultant to defend themselves! Hawks try to rewrite history Marcus Nunes responds:
Ryan Cooper's piece about market monetarism in The Week was somewhat confusing: Conservatives are not abandoning market monetarism
Scott notes several articles: The New Yorker on monetary policy
Plenty of profits: It's good to be the Fed
In 1964, China was even more poor than India: Global Growth
Scott contributes to a NYT discussion on the strong dollar:
"But gosh darn it there must be some reason the Fed needs to raise interest rates because...well, just because." The WSJ wants to raise interest rates; now they just need to find a reason
Making the of luck to all!

Some Econlog posts from Scott:
Brad Delong on the "sell by date" of Krugmanomics
A post definitely worth taking the time to read - The Fed: What's the minimum acceptable accountability?
Bonnie Carr responds:
Differences between Western Europe and East Asia...Hard Asia, Soft Europe
Fischer's optimistic outlook is not warranted: Is Stanley Fischer too complacent?
Marcus Nunes responds:

Bill Woolsey rebuts Joe Salerno: Salerno on Market Monetarism
Since 2008, intentionally so: Are open market operations distortionary?
Ben Southwood responds to Woolsey's OMO post: Quantitative easing isn't a distortion
George Selgin also has a post re Salerno:

Still lowering the unemployment threshold (Marcus Nunes)
Theoretically impossible outcomes?
In January 2009, 6 months into the NGDP crash, Blinder was "blind" to the real reasons behind the economic downfall
Even though Fed credibility has been "shot to pieces"...
Inflation targeting was waiting in the wings, long before it took center stage:
Marcus highlights the recent dollar discussion in the NYT:

What did the bond sellers do with their $4 trillion? (Benjamin Cole)

A telling FRED chart for currency holdings...(Bonnie Carr)

Will the Fed repeat the 'Mistake of 1937'? (James Pethokoukis)

"What's possible for one is impossible for all." (Nick Rowe)
How difficult is the trade off?

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