Tuesday, August 11, 2020

An Update for "Time as Wealth"

Finally, the first chapter, "The Untapped Potential of Time Value" is up in the pages section of the sidebar. Regular readers know how long I have procrastinated about completing this first book, and recently I was prompted to do so by an approaching deadline for some changes in Blogger's formatting. There's a chance that some of my overly long chapter drafts might not successfully make the transition to the new format. Hence the recent decision to - if possible - get everything completed and ready to go by the end of the month. Here's hoping I will be able to do so, without too many errors and flaws in logic. Nevertheless, once all the chapters are up, I'll go back to do a quick review to see if anything really obvious needs to be corrected.

Hopefully the way chapters are placed is not too confusing. Initially I'd planned to list both the book title and chapter headings, but ended up with simply the latter. Many people are a lot more tech savvy than I am. At any rate, since locating Time as Wealth online is simply a matter of locating this blog, it appeared to be a workable solution for now. Likewise, I might not have felt the book material was a "perfect" effort, had it not been for the quickly approaching deadline. Even though it initially worried me, now I'm glad the short time frame compelled me to complete this portion of what has been a long writing project.

Each chapter page contains the more relevant information re this initial publication, since individual pages are separate parts of the book. Here are the chapters as they will be listed in the pages section of the sidebar, once finished:

(1) The Untapped Potential of Time Value
(2) Imagine and Create the Markets We Want
(3) From Skills Arbitrage to Time Arbitrage
(4) Building a More Meaningful Level of Economic Freedom
(5) From Labour Divisions to Mutual Time Priorities
(6) Defining Work Spaces as Students of Life
(7) On the Care and Preservation of Knowledge
(8) Crafting an Institutional Response

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