Sunday, July 8, 2018

Associative Time Value as a Source of Continuity

Associative time value in the context of this post, refers to value in use functions which have naturally occurred in the past, particularly among groups which share similar identities and common interests. Some of these settings have fostered divisions of labour which hold cultural meaning, as well. Of course, much of this activity has been largely displaced by value in exchange functions - especially in developed nations.

Value in exchange activities provide considerable societal coordination and knowledge use continuity, but not to the extent one would expect. What's more, governments often aren't well situated to coordinate vital services - particularly those out of reach of lower income levels. Which is just one important reason why - ultimately - production rights for knowledge based services shouldn't be limited, as they are today.

Nevertheless, present day institutions are too siloed, to provide continuity in the form of value in use settings for the preservation of knowledge. Unfortunately, value in exchange activity lacks some of the "glue" which binds a civilization, if and when systematic burdens become pronounced. For one, extensive knowledge use now occurs in rival context, especially when it is directly aligned with the value of knowledge intensive time based product.

Today's schools are a prime example, of institutions which hold only limited associative group time value for lifelong continuity and knowledge preservation. Formal educational roles - in spite of their appearance of local community continuity, are mostly extended to those who are not yet adults. And while formal religion is one of the few remaining local institutions which still encourages multi generational participation, its value in use societal functions are by no means as extensive, as they were in the past.

It would be difficult to radically change the definition of formal schooling for the better, without a recognition of the need for lifelong knowledge use continuity, and the voluntary mutual assistance which makes it possible. Any learning institution worthy of the designation, needs to preserve spontaneous associative time value to the greatest degree possible. Without the continuity in knowledge preservation that spans generations, communities end up supporting young students time and again, only to watch them go elsewhere in search of horizons where economic prospects appear more promising.

Knowledge use exclusivity now contributes to losses in economic stability as well; since supposedly, only those with the "best" skills sets need apply for an increasing degree of economic participation. However, this "perfection" imperative could make our institutions more fragile, as it becomes difficult for ever more citizens to take part in their active support. We need new ways to tap the tremendous amount of wealth creating capacity, which largely exists in a medium skill range. After all, there's no logic in assuming that the bulk of future prosperity could - or should - derive from workplaces which utilize mostly extremes in skills use potential.

So long as individuals hold sufficient production rights, they have a real chance to contribute to societal continuity and economic stability in their own environments. Much of today's institutional fragility is due to the fact that governments and special interests alike have excessively benefited by reducing the production rights of the average individual. Hopefully, many of these lost production possibilities will ultimately be restored, so that average citizens will - once again - be able to resume their own unique roles in the continuity of knowledge preservation.

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