Sunday, May 8, 2016

Incremental Growth, Incremental Ownership

In too many instances, today's requirements for economic participation can be steep. While it's easy to recognize the difficulties for individuals, the problem also extends to numerous communities and even some regions of the country. How to address this problem? Even as prosperous regions begin to consider a more decentralized approach, the incremental ownership of knowledge use systems could also provide local means for decentralized viability. Whereas prosperous cities gain their economic efficiency through carefully culled skills capacity, i.e. by hiring the "best and the brightest", knowledge use systems could bring more economic viability for - yes - the rest of us.

Instead of making further demands on existing resource capacity, knowledge use systems could use local aggregate time value as a starting point, for further wealth generation. Incremental forms of growth and ownership, would make the requirements of economic access more flexible. A marketplace for time value would allow incremental growth - for instance - by making it possible for peers to (economically) assist one another, through "stair step" learning processes from a young age. Even though the means to do so would be relatively simple, the system can gain complexity by capitalizing on the numerous forms of knowledge and information now available in the digital realm.

Incremental growth would generate economic patterns that make it possible for those with less stamina to achieve their goals, and become more self sufficient in the process. However, it is important not to confuse learning patterns such as this with the requirements of prosperous regions. For understandable reasons, the concept of easy economic access in any form, could antagonize those who were expected to put their lives on the line, in order to take part in state and nationally driven requirements. Indeed, many of today's health costs for higher income levels, are associated with maintaining the long term stamina required to participate on general equilibrium terms.

Hence I've suggested alternative equilibrium conditions for economic participation, so that greater ease of participation in more marginal regions would not pose a threat to the stricter requirements individuals face, in order to take part in today's prosperous regions. This is another reason why time based wages for services coordination would accrue internally for asset formation, as well.

Knowledge use systems would also increase what is termed "employability", for some who have experienced little employment thus far. Angela Rachidi of AEI responds to a recent bipartisan effort to revitalize communities left behind with this post and writes, "Increasing the employability of poor people must accompany job creation efforts." In order to do so, a wide range of considerations apply, which include everything from spatial work/life arrangements to the kinds of mutual employment for services that matter most.

When time value is neglected in aggregate, too many come to believe their time value is insufficient as compared with that of others. A marketplace for time value would provide means to once again believe in one's personal worth in relation to others. Increased confidence would provide further incentive, for people to make the constant effort that is required to remain in productive economic relationships.

And by making the terms of economic engagement simpler, the process can be likened to a lockstitch sewing pattern. In other words, earlier "stitches" (efforts to acquire useful procedures or concepts) are reinforced through matched economic replication with others before moving ahead. It's an approach which makes it easier for individuals to hold earlier efforts "in place", so those efforts will be less likely to "unravel". Not only would this method provide benefits for long term memory, it could alleviate some of the stress that contributes to any number of health issues.

Whereas incremental growth is associated with economic time value on personal terms, incremental ownership is linked to the spatial components of land and environmental definition. Economic time value is linked to a secure base for ownership in local land and building components, without need of a loan structure within the system. Most important, is the ability to link personal time value to life's most basic needs, for living and working with others on economic terms. However, the secured portion of time value is also recognized as a starting point, to transition towards other forms of resource arbitrage which contribute to discretionary income, greater personal freedom, and the global links to continued progress.

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