Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Midweek Market Monetarist Links and Summaries - 4/29/15

Nick Rowe looks at the possibility of a debt to NGDP ratio, and Bill Woolsey points out the fact that a debt to tax revenue ratio would be better, given changing circumstance over time:
Nick builds a recessionary model including three goods:
Of time aggregates, absolute and relative advantage - a beautifully simple post from Nick:

(Scott Sumner) An odd rallying cry: give us back our "real work" The Progressive Community defends America's honor
"current state of plenty"? Pop macroeconomics
Who wants all those goods, anyway?? Overproduction, then and now

Scott at Econlog:
Don't forget the "fundamental values" of beauty: It's not a beauty pageant
What would the world look like if bubbles were real? Optimal mutual funds in a world of bubbles
Scott highlights the continuing conversation from his recent discussion with Russ Roberts:

Marcus Nunes provides an alternative story for 2002-2004, in charts:
Perhaps Bernanke didn't notice the "tight fiscal policy" wasn't helped by tight monetary policy...
Marcus highlights an essay from Mike Belongia and Peter Ireland on Japanese-style deflation

How will the world handle the second machine age over the next few decades? (David Beckworth)
No need to target either employment or inflation...

George Selgin provides video from a recent forum, and also additional information:

(Benjamin Cole) Is the global economy "oversupplied with everything"?
Monetary policy has threatened financial stability because it has been too tight:
Germany's example:

(Kevin Erdmann) "If we really want to solve the housing problem, we need to reduce regulatory obstacles to building, increase access to mortgages or other methods of home ownership, and stop second-guessing prices."
Secular stagnation as partly a result of restraints on housing supply:

How to think about finance as a part of the economy? (Ravi Varghese)

Ben Southwood highlights a paper from David Beckworth and Josh Hendrickson in The modest case for nominal income targeting

Also of interest:

(James Pethokoukis) "The number of new companies as a share of all U.S. business has dropped 44% since 1978." The American economic problem that is nothing short of a national emergency
This WSJ article also details the change in patterns between small and large business after the Great Recession:
A recent post from Ryan Decker helps to put both these links in perspective: Thinking about family firms

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