Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Midweek Market Monetarist Links and Summaries - 12/24/14

To what extent, might an Export Price Norm have helped? (Lars Christensen)
So far it's been a rough week for the Russian rouble:
How much can a central banker really do? (ouch)
Would a devaluation help?
A rules based perspective is needed...

Inflation doesn't get much more confusing than this. (Britmouse):
Holding steady "in the face of a large supply-side disinflation":
Why isn't this showing up in the forecast?
Sorting out the cyclical from the structural issues hasn't gotten any easier since 2008:

Still a helpful - if not a complete tool (Scott Sumner) Don't underestimate monetarism
One commenter even claims the beaver is "adorable". They must be stopped
At this point, the liquidity trap "war" is the one which particularly needs to be won: Inflationistas and liquidity trappers
Heh! Nobody is going to out-"crotchety old man" me!

Scott at Econlog:
Unfortunately, this isn't as obvious as one might think: Central banks should do their job
Scott responds to a recent post from Paul Krugman: Markets describe reality, models should explain market reactions
At his blog, Scott provides a list of 47 Macro tools. Here, he provides some application: Choosing the right tools

Hopefully we will see more of David Beckworth's talent for drawing!
Paul Krugman responds to Beckworth's post:
David Glasner responds:

One opinion cancels the other (Marcus Nunes)
Not one of the better historical precedents:
Which nominal variable indicates growth on the horizon?
An upward trend can be discerned:

The gold standard of the early twenties affected countries differently, depending on size. (Nick Rowe)
David Glasner provides the pertinent quote in a response to Nick's post:
How interest-elastic is the demand for money?
Without helicopter money, it's central planning as far as the eye can see...
"Economics is the study of society. Economics is the study of expectations."
One small adaptation, can change the result:
The liquidity trap discussion continues

George Selgin has A Free Banker's Christmas Wish List

"The next six months should lead to some important discoveries about the future path of the U.S. economy." (Kevin Erdmann)

Bonnie Carr considers some political aspects of the Russian crisis:

(Benjamin Cole)

Also of interest:

(Dean Baker) Schumer Should Focus on Keeping Government from Redistributing Income Upward "But we did not construct trade agreements to put our highest paid professions in direct competition with lower paid counterparts in the developing world. These workers still enjoy protected labor markets...So the answer here is government, It is government that increased inequality."

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