Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Midweek Market Monetarist Links and Summaries - 11/19/14

...but will the politics hold? (Lars Christensen)
Behind each war, an economic cause:
Depressions all, just a matter of degree:

Some monsters under the bed refuse to go away (Britmouse)

Apparently...Pascal Salin had it coming!
(Scott Sumner) Please respond to our arguments
(Bill Woolsey) Pascal Salin's Confusion: Inflation or Money
(Bonnie Carr) Piling on poor Pascal Salin

And somehow, Neo-Fisherism has become the latest fad:
(David Glasner) This label would not please Fisher: John Cochrane explains Neo-Fisherism
(Nick Rowe)
If the sign is wrong, the equilibrium is not robust (Nick Rowe):
(Bill Woolsey) monetary policy ought to operate? Neo-Fisherites
(David Beckworth)

John Cochrane...advocating deflation??
(Scott Sumner) Wrong question, wrong answer
(Marcus Nunes) Deflation Targeting at 2 percent
(Benjamin Cole)

"Interest rate rises do not stifle investment" (Scott Sumner) Other things equal, lower prices cause consumers to buy less of a good
Even with IOR, quantity of money cannot be ignored: Josh Hendrickson on the problem with "moneyless" NK models
How would fiscal stimulus in one country benefit a currency zone? The real "beggar-thy-neighbor" policy
Business cycles aren't what they used to be, or are some VATs worse than others? Is Japan in recession?
Everything shifts when RGDP growth stalls...The USA doesn't have any debatable recessions. That's about to change.
And, when RDGP is better than recent employment figures: At the other extreme...

Econlog posts from Scott Sumner:
Rather, the guy who insists money has been tight since 2008...I'm not "the NGDP guy"
Of course this rationale hasn't stopped some folk from trying! No, low interest rates do not call for more public investment
When governments respond to (lesser valued) credit on offer...Sticky wages and sticky fed funds rates

Friedman could have enlightened Malkiel (Marcus Nunes)
And the Kocherlakota 2010 argument led to...
A job market comparable to 2004. Seriously?!
Only recently was there real deviation from trend:
"What made Temin change his mind?"
In charts - NGDP, RGDP and inflation:

Musings on Hayek, Mises and surprisingly enough, internet Austrian "Major Freedom" (David Glasner)

A vague target has been the primary problem (Bill Woolsey): Selgin on Keynes and Quantitative Easing
Fiscal policy intentions are also behind this dilemma: Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy

Nick Rowe just needs a little help with the math!

Inflation targeting serves what purpose exactly?(Bonnie Carr)

The study of Buddhism can be a great help, re the concentration required for the skills of the mind (Ravi Varghese)

Will they be successful? (Justin Irving)

Also of interest:

"The long term unemployed also show much stronger attachment to the labor force than nonparticipants." Measuring Labor Market Slack: Are the Long-Term Unemployed Different?

How might economic aspects of this situation actually play out in the near future? Will government "come to the rescue"? The Problem With Millenials, In One Staggering Statistic

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