Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Gift of Economic Freedom

Of all the gifts the world is in need of, I remain convinced that one of the most important - by far - is economic freedom. And yet the ability to maintain this vital dynamic, is not as easy as it may first appear. Freedoms are lost in countless small ways - many of which do not become apparent until certain tipping points are reached.

Societies need well defined pathways which provide ample settings for resource use, in order for political freedom to remain viable. When one's rights in the marketplace are not clearly and purposely delineated, they are too readily taken away.

And wherever economic freedom is lost, humanity also loses. Even though this gift cannot bring out the best in every human being, it has the capacity to greatly increase the odds for both sanity and civility. Hence economic freedom could still bring light to corners which remain dark - even in the midst of places where freedom too often pretends to exist in the present.

Given the chance - the gift of economic freedom could prove capable of overcoming considerable despair, and evil intentions in the world. Economic inclusion opens the first door, from whence it becomes possible to open further doors of aspiration and challenge.

Granted: families, governments, businesses, religion and charities come to the aid of those who have limited economic freedom. But none of these have the ability to do so on a continual basis, nor should they be expected to. The freedom to work with as many resources in one's own midst as possible, means access to a continual loop of sustainability. Such access means that those who fall, can stand up and try again.

Economic freedom is the ability to live life, so that one's natural inclinations have a chance to materialize in a shared marketplace with others. It means that one's destiny need not always be based on sheer luck or chance. When people are willing to work together for prosperity with means which are supported by all, everyone has a better chance to prosper.

Prosperity also relies on social tolerance and continual innovation. However, this process is not just about having the freedom to innovate the consumer products we utilize. It is also about personal rights to innovate the assets and infrastructure one relies upon, and the services we would seek to provide for one another through the use of our time.

Economic freedom means having ways to rise above personal limitations in the course of one's lifetime, whether those limitations are geographic, familial, monetary or otherwise. It means having roles by which one need not remain a victim. Particularly if one is doing their utmost best not to be a victim - instead of simply refusing the role of victimhood through alternatives that make little sense to others, such as homelessness.

Some are not quite convinced, that economic freedom is all that important. Just the same, a lack of economic freedom is the common denominator behind many tragedies which otherwise appear completely dissimilar in nature. Without sufficient economic freedom, life can become a difficult path, for too many.

With a little luck, perhaps it won't always have to be this way. So here is a wish for Peace on Earth, along with a sincere hope that everyone might be fortunate enough in the years ahead, to experience the gift of economic freedom.

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