Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Midweek Market Monetarist Links and Summaries - 8/20/14

Whenever Scott Sumner suggests that readers may want to skip a post, it seems to get more commenters! The Millenials are the real "Greatest Generation", (reluctantly acknowledged by a grouchy aging boomer)
In some quarters, monetary offset was taken into consideration, in 2008...Monetary offset in Australia
Different trend rates for population growth need to be taken into account: Who had a better first half, the US or Japan?
Of course, jobs are still an issue: IP date shows the recovery is continuing
Like Bernanke, Mark Carney faces institutional inertia...There are two types of central bankers
Why is Krugmen so forgiving of the ECB?
Higher government spending in the eurozone would not help right now. Is the eurozone's problem excessively small government?
In Japan there is lots of confusion about nominal aggregates: Don't talk about wages and incomes

Scott Sumner (at Econlog) takes a closer look at Tyler's suggestions for NGDP targeting: Tyler Cowen on ECB policy
"Tight labor markets do not cause rising wages": Never reason from a price change, even in Japan
Does grade deflation create academic "depressions"?
Slower population growth does not have to impact AD

Where is the rate of real output growth? (Marcus Nunes)
The Fed seems to be operating in a different "galaxy"!
By no means is it inevitable and we need to take steps to avoid it:

David Beckworth is not convinced that it's all downhill:
This is a "bug" the Fed doesn't need to catch!

Russia now has 331 protectionist measures in place (Lars Christensen)
Headlines aren't necessarily a good indicator..
Friedman went further...

Evan Soltas is not convinced, regarding secular stagnation:

Also of interest:

Diane Coyle notes Ed Glaeser's more positive contribution to the stagnationist debate:

The difference between 2% and 3% growth is more than it may seem (Timothy Taylor)

Please, can we stop talking about a return to the gold standard? (James Pethokoukis)

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