Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Midweek Market Monetarist Links and Summaries - 9/3/14

If recession made a "bad situation worse", tend to both the causes and the effects, instead of pretending nothing can be done about either one (Marcus Nunes):
The correlation between labor markets and inflation targeting is practically nil:
Not all the Fed actions of the thirties were futile...
"Few see that the Great Moderation was all about Nominal Stability, under the purview of the Fed." This stability protected the economy from "dark corners".
Recession is made worse by bank loss, but bank loss does not initiate the process:

The seventies years which Benjamin Cole recalls fondly in this post, were good years for me as well:

While I agree with Scott Sumner that Americans need to be saving more, some folk need more flexible (hence liquid) options to do so: About those struggling middle class Americans
A response to the challenge from Lars Christensen, re China: Either Lars or I am really, really wrong
When a black swan does appear, it's hard to see anything else...Moral Hazard: If you are not taking socially excessive risks, you aren't doing your job

From Econlog (Scott Sumner): Have we experienced intellectual decay?
Predicting bubbles just isn't that helpful

Lars Christensen has his doubts about China!
A closer look at that "rare" disagreement with Scott, although the issue is non monetary:

(Josh Hendrickson) Is the price of money changing?

(David Glasner) By no means were changes in the gold standard easy to discern:
Hume's mistake: Tradable goods as a relative international price constant, do not adjust to changes in the gold standard.

(Bill Woolsey) More than prices and output are at stake:
The equation of exchange is more than just an identity:

The seventh market doesn't have to be in equilibrium (Nick Rowe):
Little else makes it so difficult to think clearly about money:

Deflation in Europe likely has bearing on the recent divergence (David Beckworth):

Paradigms often come ready made (Kevin Erdmann)

"Hard money is not a mistake" (Steve Randy Waldmann)
Kevin Drum responds, also the Paul Krugman post re inflation and the seventies perspective.

Also of interest:

To say that Brad Delong is not happy with our current growth trajectory, would be putting it mildly:

About that experiential factor...(Giles Wilkes)

Bryan Caplan: How to teach the income and substitution effect

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